How Do We Optimize Aging through Tech?
At the PCHAlliance Member Summit in October, just prior to the Connected Health Conference, the members of the Aging and Tech Task Force sat down to talk about their views on aging and tech adoption.
Purpose-Built Technology Must Resonate with End Users
Frances Ayalasomayajula, head of population health for HP, says technology can address feelings of isolation and loneliness by helping seniors find social connectedness. Fran is the co-chair of the task force. She refers to the recent brief by the task force, Usability and Design Features for the Aging Population.
Health Technologies Targeting Seniors Must Add Value to Their Lives
Nancy Green, president and founder of The SAA Group, says the Personal Connected Health Alliance's Aging & Technology Task Force brings thought leadership and industry knowledge to those who are trying to get into the growing marketplace. Nancy is co-chair of the task force.
Future Health Tech Will Deliver Better Provider-Patient Engagement
Gilles Lunzenfichter, chief commercial officer at Medisanté, talks how his company simplifies connectivity for in the home for remote patient monitoring by removing the need for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and the benefits to patients and providers.
Older Adults Want Health Tech That 'Just Works'
The ability to leverage technology at home enables the growing older population to remain independent, but devices need to be easy as possible to use, says Mike Mazzola, CEO of Lamprey Networks.
Hiding Health Technology in Plain Sight
Roland Bennett, vice president of clinical services at Medisanté, talks about getting tech out of the equation and making it unobtrusive for frail seniors by having, for instance, an integrated weight scale in the home that looks like any other.
Delivering Cool Technology For Warm Hands
Petra Wilson, European program director for Personal Connected Health Alliance, talks about the need for user-friendly, adaptive tech to make up for a shortage of "warm hands," or physical human contact in care.