The Insight Meter is a hand held blood glucose meter which utilizes test strips to perform blood glucose measurements. The meter stores the blood glucose measurement results as well as control results. The meter is Continua certified for USB and communicates with a computer via a 1 meter USB cable provided by Roche. The meter can communicate with an insulin pump via Bluetooth. The Insight meter has four model numbers as shown in the table below. Two are Aviva and use Aviva test strips and two are Performa and use Performa test strips. All four meters utilize the same firmware. They model configuration is done during manufacturing to either use mg/dl or mmol/L units of measure and is dependent on the country. The USB transport and IEEE communication protocol are the same in all four models. The Aviva meter has a 9mm strip connector and the Performa meter has a 7mm strip connector. Product Model Number Description 481 Accu-Chek Aviva Insight (mg/dL) 482 Accu-Chek Aviva Insight (mmol/L) 467 Accu-Chek Performa Insight (mg/dL) 468 Accu-Chek Performa Insight (mmol/L) PID USB/HID 8602 USB/HID Product ID - Accu-Chek Insight Aviva 8603 USB/HID Product ID - Accu-Chek Insight Performa PID USB/PHDC 8653 USB/PHDC Product ID - Accu-Chek Insight Aviva 8654 USB/PHDC Product ID - Accu-Chek Insight Performa