Continua Certified Experts (CCE)
PCHAlliance recognizes experts to assist its members and stakeholders in implementing devices and services compliant with the Continua Design Guidelines. These are Continua Certified Experts (CCE) who each possess a comprehensive understanding of the Continua Design Guidelines, relevant expertise in supporing technologies, Continua CODE for Healthcare & code development, the Continua test tool, implementation best practices, the Continua certification process and PCHAlliance policies and procedures.
Feel free to contact the below CCEs by clicking on their name. If you are interested in becoming recognized as a CCE, please visit the CCE Recognition Process page.
Name | Company | City/State | Country | Area of Expertise |
Diego Bartolomé Arquillo | Dekra (formerly AT4 Wireless) | Malaga | Spain | Bluetooth HDP/MCAP and low energy Transports |
Michael Kirwan | Blue Connect Global | Kansas | USA | Bluetooth HDP/MCAP and Bluetooth Low Energy Device Transports and HL7 FHIR Services |
Bjørnar Henriksen | EGDE Consulting AS | Rådgiver | Norway | Health & Fitness Service |
Brian Reinhold | LNI Health | Boston, MA | USA | USB PHDC, Bluetooth HDP/MCAP, Low Energy, Zigbee Transports, Devices and Services Interfaces |
Barry Reinhold | LNI Health | Boston, MA | USA | USB PHDC, Bluetooth HDP/MCAP, Low Energy, Zigbee Transports, Devices and Services Interfaces |