HL7 FHIR DevDays
To all IT professionals in healthcare: HL7 FHIR DevDays are coming to Amsterdam again!
Whether you are new to FHIR or a seasoned coder, our tutorials and hands-on sessions will offer you the opportunity to dive deeply into FHIR. Together with your peers and side by side with experts, you will be listening, talking, asking and getting answers about everything FHIR, sharing intensively to make FHIR even simpler.
In June, we had an amazing first edition in Boston and now we are getting ready for the 5th edition in November in the Netherlands.
Register now to immerse yourself in the global FHIR community for three whole days in Amsterdam!
HL7 FHIR DevDays is is the most important and largest FHIR only event in the world. IT professionals in healthcare gather to learn about FHIR in a collaborative environment. The three pillars for the Developer Days are: education, sharing of ideas and networking.
Whether you are new to FHIR or you are an expert, the event offers a combination of interesting keynotes, a wide variation of tutorials and hands-on sessions which create a unique chance to work side by side to answer any questions. And not to forget the networking moments during lunches and evening activities.
Experience the event yourself and register for the DevDays!