Continua Certification Experts Recognition Process

The Continua Certification Expert (CCE) program is designed primarily to support members and stakeholders who would like assistance in implementing devices and services compliant with the Continua Design Guidelines. CCEs possess a comprehensive understanding of the Continua Design Guidelines, relevant expertise in supporting technologies, Continua CODE for Healthcare & code development, the Continua test tool, implementation best practices, the Continua certification process and related PCHAlliance policies and procedures. The CCE program also provides other benefits to members and stakeholders such as providing membership training, assisting members in preparing for certification and providing support to the Continua Test & Certification Committee (TCC). 

Requirements to obtain and maintain CCE designation:

  1. There is currently no fee for CCEs; however, each CCEs is required to commit to 100 service hours per year. These hours are earned by attending TCC teleconference meetings, CCE teleconference meetings, Member Summits and in assisting with related projects.
  2. Shall be an employee of a PCHAlliance member company in good standing. 
  3. Shall be trained and proficient in those areas noted above. 
  4. Shall attend at least one PCHAlliance Member Summit per year and 2/3 of the Continua Test & Certification Committee and CCE monthly teleconferences.

To be considered for CCE recognition, please submit your name, company, email address and phone number to For more information, please review the CCE Project Plan and CCE Program Update

To see the existing list of recognized CCEs, please visit the Continua Certified Experts page.